Sunday, May 11, 2008


Softly falls the snow outside
Warm you are in your blanket
Rock gently in my arms sweet one
Falling, fall to sleep
Softly you close your blinking eyes
Wamr is the fire burning
Rocking you to dreamland tonight
Fall, fall to sleep

The Wind

I'd love to ride the wind all day
To roll push, whistle and play
I'd travel to distances twice untold
Be so brave and all so bold

Among the mountains I'd find a way
To secret passages I would lay
Then blow with the wind to great escapes
Fly up the hill to the open capes

What adventures we would have
The wind and I in exotic lands
Storming upon the ocean brave
So I'll pretend and blow away


Spiders crawl upon the wall
I don't mind them not at all
They spin their webs and catch their flies
They hide and slink, but don't mind me
Just spin that web but instead of flies
Catch my dreams and let me keep
Some memory of the one I seek

Fly away

Fly away small little bird
Fly away to your home
Fly away to shelter and peace
Please leave my head alone


A brand new world is waiting for me
As I climb this old oak tree
There are spiders, beetles and bugs galore
Chipmunk, squirrels and birds no more
They fly away as I come their way
Don't you love this month of May?

Up and Down

Up and down the waves do go
Up and down the roaring
Up and down with forward thrust
Up and down we're rowing

I know a spot

I know a little spot
Where pheasants like to nest
Deep inside the grass
Peep, peep, peep

I know a little hill
Where ponies like to play
Galloping, galloping, galloping
Neigh, neigh, neigh

I know a little plain
Where cattle like to graze
Far into the glen
Moo, moo, moo

I know a little bush
Up beside the hill
Where bunnies like to hide
Hop, hop, hop


Little one so soft in my arms
Let me hold you and make you my own
Little one I sing sweetly to you
Let me protect and comfort you

Little one be strong and brave
Let me guide you in the way
Little one so dear to my heart
Let me bring you peace


Jumping, sliding, hanging, falling
The swingset rolls and falls
Brightness allures, sweetness invites
Spring has filled my child heart

I laugh, I sing I turn and turn and turn
Till dizziness overtakes me and I fall wonderingly on the ground
I feel the rotation of this whole earth beneath my back
Once I have breath I flee away trying to catch up with this ever moving world

Animal Winter

The spider dances a web all night, in the corner of a quiet house
Gophers are borrowing their earthen beds
Deer in the mountains are stripping the trees
Bats are silently hunting
Little birds cuddle up in their nest
Bears are deeply sleeping
Squirrels are eating their nut supply
Fish swim circles under the ice
All in an animal winter

Pet Friend

Little puppy so fun to play
Jumping toward me with happy eyes
Lay your head upon my lap
I'll sing to you some lullabies

We'll walk and play and have such fun
Then together we'll go as one
Eating and singing the whole night through
Then bed for me and bed for you


Sing me of bears and happy things
with butterflies I'll take my wings
off we'll fly to wondrous lands
Finding candies in the sands

We'll roam the sea and ocean deep
In rosebud petals we shall sleep
Wake up to dragon's fire
Then go hide inside the brier

Where bunny rabbits will sniff our feet
Together we will eat lettuce, cabbage and carrot treats
Then back home we'll go again to find myself snug in bed
Where I will wake, stretch and yawn

All happy for a brand-new dawn