Thursday, June 5, 2008

First Summer Together

Dancing through a honeymoon summer
Working part-time BYU Evening Classes
Walking wherever we went

Taking a dance class together
Never allowing my husband to lead,
Dancing fine with the other changing partners

Sounds Easy Video for pizza and a movie
Ice cream every night (after burnt dinners)
Learning to relax to be content just being together

Married on faith, getting to know each other at last
Daily fights and make-ups, finding realistic expectations
Walking to the laundry mat together, budgeting, working together

Walking everywhere: temple, store, classes, work
Having family and friends over at our little apartment
4 " shag carpet, golden chair, bar table, afghan couch

Learning to live on our own as a couple
Trying to find and define ourselves as a couple
Discussing, praying for, relating as a couple

A time of challenges, learning and togetherness