Sunday, August 9, 2009

Amazing Barlow Sisters-in-laws

My sister-in-law Lynette, is one of those amazing people you can't believe actually exist. She is an absolutely honest, accepting, comfortable person. She is an amazing seamstress (, hard worker, supportive of her in-the-limelight husband, can crochet, cook, garden do about anything. She loves to wear dresses and skirts, most of it all made by herself. For Christmas she even make my kids Pajamas which they love. There is so much to learn from her. I'm sure often I seem so old, but she is a person I really admire and can learn from.

Then there is Marla whose husband is in the Navy. They have grown together and endured much together. He has been gone for a total of probably a few years worth of their marriage if you put it all together, even though they've both had health issues, they support one another and have two beautiful children. They have been though challenges I hope I never have to and I admire her for it.

Then there is Rebecca, sweet Rebecca. She was the first one of the family I knew I wanted to be part of my life. She had my husband and I out to their house from the time we first met and were dating and had us out almost every weekend until they moved. She'd make amazing dinners, melting rolls, always a smile and kind words. She had four babies while we lived here 3 in one year, twins and another baby, she is just one of those people who just keeps pushing forward endures through tough times and enjoys her family. Amazing mother, always with thoughtful advise and insights I really appreciate. Another example of service and family loyalty.

I was so excited to meet Mimi, the mother of six boys at the time of our marriage to add four more living children, a mother of ten. If there was a mother who can truly pull that off Mimi is the one, I've never even heard her really yell at her kids, the children love to help her, they have great respect for her, especially when they are older. She is an older sister I never had, I have learned a lot from her and appreciate her example, another person to exemplify.

Janeen, my husband's sister, died about five and a half years ago. I remember her coming up with her children to visit and our landlord wouldn't let them stay at our apartment, so we had to put them in a run-down hotel, but she was still grateful and appreciative. She knew the scriptures like the back of her hand, it was amazing. She dealt with some physical and mental challenges that would be so hard to endure, yet she did endure to the end. I look forward to the time I can met her when her body and mind will be perfected in the glorious time of resurrection.

I am grateful for the sister's I've added through marriage, I admire them and love them. Family is so important and when we look just in our own families we can find amazing treasures.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Family Memories

Rubbing backs, telling stories, talking about boys, life, school together
A taking apart the vacuum, baffling me with ninento
J looking in the mirror and wandering the house

Watching Anne of Green Gables tying quilts
Boys making fun of the movie but still watching the whole thing
Ra falling from the stairs stopping my heart

Dad laying on his back playing monster while we run past
Mom reading Cheaper by the Dozen, matching socks during movies
Mom always there in the morning, early making breakfast seeing us off

After school snacks, carrots in our lunches, apples in our lockers
Dad in the yard, the garden, the orchard, reading Narnia to us
Scripture study, sitting on the vents tenting the blanket over to keep warm

Ru and M often sharing a room, bunk bed falling, conspiring together
Yelling for J when I was scared, wrestling, play-fighting a lot
M doing her art, flashcards, sewing, playing with dolls

Ra in her hippo bathing suit, running the home seeing right and wrong
Ru serving, cleaning, making up songs, drawing pictures, cooking
A studying my science with me, taking our family to the Bean museum

Mom peeling oranges, books read to us, everyone singing a different tune on trips
Yellowstone, Canada, Washington D.C., California, back East
Setting up the tent trailer, Dad pointing out plants, hiking, seeing history

Family home evenings laying under the piano, behind the couch cushions
Gun shooting, exotic food, Bean museum, picnics up the canyon
Words of wisdom, prayers, musical performances, poems and lessons

Visiting grandparents every week, serving in the yard, washing windows
Writing, poetry, hair brushing, waterbed, view of the temple at Grandma V’s
Cousins, Little Bunny Foo Foo, stories and laughs at Grandma and Grandpa D’s

Dinner and lounging on the deck, telescoping the stars, working in the yard
Irrigation turn, waking up early helping the water flow to the plants, picking apples
Stirring, setting the table, vacuuming making things look nice, sharing with others

Christmas time looking forward to our Palestinian dinner, lights at Temple square
Singing German at the tabernacle, gathering and sharing with family and friends
Piles set out for us in the living room, Tree lights and ornaments and grandparents

Memories of happiness, safety, warning, gospel lived and taught
Importance of family togetherness, marriage, children, work and education
Gratitude for siblings, parents, family

Written May 26, 2009 SBDB

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Sleeping in, snuggles in bed, slow mornings, family unity
Eatting together enjoying good food, playing games
Listening to my children's happy laughter and imaginative play

Thinking of blessings, going to church, visiting the temple
Singing "I love to see the temple" praying, teaching our children the importance of
Teaching primary, rocking Emily and enjoying sacrament meeting in the mother's lounge

Partaking of the sacrament, trying so hard to keep my children reverent
Trying to still my thoughts and think of Christ, reminding myself of my testimony
Being together as a family, thoughts of service and kindness for others

Reading the scriptures, writing, feeling the Holy Ghost
Goals of change and progression, desires to do better
Finding direction, hoping for the future, preparing

I love the sabbath, how grateful I am for this day of rest
I love my sabbath mornings with time with my family, time also to reflect
I love my Savior, Jesus Christ, I seek forgiveness and am filled with His love